On Line Store /
Photo Gallery
Setting The Stage
The War Of 1812
The Battles
at Frenchtown
Soldiers Fare
1812 History
Lacroix's Company
Today - Membership
Soldiers Uniforms
Clothing of the Period
and Weapons
of the River Raisin Battle
River Raisin Battlefield
Visitors Center
Friends Of the
River Raisin Battlefield
Friends Of the
River Raisin Battlefield
Areas Of Interest
History Links
Area Events
Biographies of Battle

Site Map -
River Raisin Battlefield.org
Raisin Battlefield - Remember the Raisin
River Raisin Battlefield was the site of the largest engagement of
the War of 1812. Fought on the banks of the River Raisin here in
Monroe Michigan formally know as Frenchtown. And home of the Friends
of the River Raisin Battlefield.
War of 1812 - River Raisin Battlefield
The Battle of the River Raisin was an important event of the War of
1812. Of major importance to the newly independent United States was
international respect for its sovereighty.
The Battle of Frenchtown
The massacre of some wounded solders the following day shocked and
enraged Americans throughout the Old Northwest Territory. This
incident soon became know as �The River Raisin Massacre� and the
rallying cry was �Remember the Raisin�.
River Raisin Battlefield - Soldiers Fare
A normal daily ration for a soldier in the War of 1812 was 1� pounds
of beef (or � of a pound of pork,) 18 ounces of bread or flour, 1
gill of liquor, plus salt, vinegar, soap, & candles. Soups were
often made with whatever vegetables were in season
River Raisin Battlefield - Lacroix's Company
The company was named after its Captain, Hubert Lacroix, reputedly
the first man from the River Raisin settlement to volunteer for
active duty in the War of 1812. He came to the River Raisin in 1800,
where he resided until his death in 1827.
River Raisin Battlefield - Uniforms & Clothes
No Description
Artillery and Weapons of the River Raisin Battlefield
The British light 3 pounder cannon had a 2.0 inch bore, fired a 3
pound solid ball with a useful range of a half mile. It also fired
canister of about 48 musket balls. Other weapons used were 69
caliber smoothbore flint lock.
River Raisin Battlefield - Visitors Center
The River Raisin Battlefield Visitors Center, 1403 East Elm Ave,
Monroe Michigan. Is Monroe's newest historical interpretive site.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Areas of Local Interest
No Description
River Raisin Battlefield - Links Page No
River Raisin Battlefield - Area Events
Events around the Monroe Michigan area.
River Raisin Battlefield - Areas of Local Interest
No Description
River Raisin Battlefield - Invaded on all Sides By Ralph Naveaux
INVADED ON ALL SIDES: The story of Michigan's greatest battlefield
scene of the engagements at Frenchtown and the River Raisin in the
War of 1812
River Raisin Battlefield - Links Page No
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield
News Letter
The Friends of the River Raisin Battlefield support the River Raisin
Battlefield Visitors Center. They provide assistance for tours,
activities, fund raisers, and maintaining the grounds and buildings.
River Raisin Battlefield - Areas of Local Interest
No Description